
Another online creative challenge that I have taken up this year is the 52 Weeks Art Journal, hosted by Raspberry Blue Sky. Throughout 2021, she will be providing a weekly word prompt that I will use to inspire a page in my journal. The work is intended to go into an altered book or a handmade book.

Which book am I using?

I am also using the British Library Desk Diary from 2019. 

Does the diary format work?

The format is perfect as there is a double page spread for each week, with the number of the week at the top. The theme of the diary is maps. I decided to use the purpose of maps (i.e. to plan routes and stay on course) as a way of giving myself creative direction, guided by the weekly prompts. The paper is also a good weight and is really suitable for collaging onto.

How have I found the prompts?

I was initially unsure that word prompts would inspire me. However, I have been pleasantly surprised. The prompt comes out on Monday, I usually take a few days to mull it over, then spend a couple of days playing with ideas before there is a ta dah! moment at the end of the week.

Here are a few journal pages I’ve completed so far:

Prompt: New beginnings
Prompt: First signs of spring
Prompt: My art journal is…

I’ve really been enjoying the art challenges I’m working on this year. You can read about #the100dayproject in a previous post.

Let me know in the comments if you’ve found any inspiring creative challenges that you’ve enjoyed…

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