Knitted poncho & crochet trim


I remember wearing a poncho when I was a child, that my mum knitted for me, and I haven’t thought about them since. Until last year when I borrowed one to wear, as I was a bit chilly, and loved it and thought I’d knit one of my own. I started it in early 2012 and didn’t finish it until that Christmas (I was distracted by other projects) but finally, here is the finished piece.

I was planning to just knit it, but having completed it I thought the edges could do with a little finishing touch. Over the Christmas holiday my mum worked out a pattern to give it a curly edge. I played around with this and opted for three different stitch patterns, mostly to conserve wool as I was nearing the end of my ball of wool! It is so warm and fits perfectly.

Felted bag

Felted bag

Last Christmas I was given a felted bag knitting kit. It took me a while to get around to starting it and then it took a while longer to knit (but I was determined to finish it before the following Christmas!).

I hadn’t felted any knitting before, so the process was unfamiliar to me. The bag was knitted on circular needles and was quite large and flimsy when finished. I then knitted one long skinny handle (only 4sts wide). The next step was to felt the bag and handle. To do this I put them in the washing machine with a little washing powder and a large towel (which apparently helps with the felting process) and put them on a hot wash. When I took them out I was surprised how much smaller the bag had become and how much thicker the pieces were. The next step was to attach the handle and I also added a small button fasten to the top using a simple crochet chain.

I wanted to add a little finishing touch to the bag and thought of making some crochet flowers. I came across a crochet flower tutorial on Mollie Makes and set to work with some oddments of wool I had lying around; sewing a bead to make the centre of the flowers.

Chaise longue restoration

chaise longue before

I was kindly given this chaise longue by my mother-in-law as she no longer had the room for it. I’ve always wanted one and thought it would be a good challenge for my next upholstery project. The fabric and foam were in a poor state (and had lovingly been used as a scratching post by the resident cats!).

I found the most challenging part was removing the old fabric and foam. It’s a repro piece of furniture and had literally been stapled within an inch of its life. It took me weeks to get it back to the basic shell. Luckily for me the piece of furniture was bolted together, so came apart easily leaving me with a base, back rest and arm rest – and thankfully no springs or buttons to deal with (I’ll be happy to tackle these skills later on but not for my second project).

I bought some lovely turquoise velour fabric from ebay and used the old fabric as a template. I bought some new thick foam (6″ for the base and 2″ for the back and arm rest) and rebuilt the chaise in a couple of days. Here’s the finished result.

chaise longue after

This is now being lovingly used by our resident cats!

Fudge on chaise longueDaisy on chaise longue

Re-upholstered dining chairs

Having completed an intro to upholstery course at The Good Life Centre, I was itching to have a go myself. We needed some decent dining chairs (to replace the folding Ikea chairs we were using) and I found some good quality Stag chairs in a local charity shop for a real bargain.

Rather than cover them in shop-bought upholstery fabric I opted to create my own design and get that printed. I did two colour-ways with the idea of having two blue chairs and two green chairs, got a metre of canvas printed by and cut this into four pieces.

Blue textile design



The original chairs were looking tired and in need of some tlc.

Dining chair before

The base of the chairs were held in place with four screws. Once all the foam and fabric was removed I was left with a flat hardwood base. I bought 1″ foam from my local upholstery shop, which I fixed in place with upholstery spray glue and used a staple gun to attach the fabric.

These are the finished chairs, which are a colourful addition to the kitchen and are really comfortable too.

Four dining chairs





Re-upholstered vintage stool

upholstery stool

I’d been given a chaise longue to re-upholster and as I’d not attempted any upholstery before I decided to look for an intro to upholstery course. I found a really good one at the Good Life Centre in London, that aimed to demistify upholstery for beginners. I attended the one day course, taught by practicing upholsterer Rachael South, and she covered all the basics. It was a really fun day and this is the stool I reupholstered.