Earlier in the year, I took the free ‘Find Your Joy taster course’ by Louise Fletcher (you can read about it here: Find Your Joy taster workshop). After the 10 day course had finished, I was itching to keep learning and to dig a little deeper into my art practice. So I signed up for her 10 week FYJ2020 course.
The course began in early July and ran until mid September. Each week we were given a different topic/thought/process to explore, which we could share within the private Facebook group and course hub. About 1000 people signed up, so it was a large group but it felt less overwhelming than the taster course.
The primary focus of the course was to understand what you like and don’t like; what you enjoy doing and what you don’t; to reconnect with some past (often forgotten) interests; and to explore some new ways of working and new thought processes. For me, it gave me a better understanding into the artist mindset. Having come from a strong design background I’m used to clients giving me a brief, so my main challenge was learning to set my own brief.
I’ve been keeping a sketchbook throughout the course, and I’m continuing to develop it. In contrast to my usual journal-style sketchbook, this one has plenty of notes and ideas I’ve scribbled along the way.

The sketchbook is a really useful tool to help me to reflect on what has worked and didn’t work and to keep me on track.
I’ve also now joined Louise’s Art Tribe, which anyone can join for a small monthly fee. Let the creativity continue…