I’ve been attending a local meetup group, Made in Leigh, which was set up to give local, freelance creative types the chance to meet like-minded people in the area. In addition to the fortnightly meetings, the group has also organised a series of talks and now produce #TrawlerPaper.
Trawler, is a publication that contains stories, photo essays and interviews written by people about their passions, creativity and entrepreneurial spirit. The first edition of Trawler Paper was launched in July 2015, which sourced Crowdfunding to cover the printing costs (everyone kindly contributes their time for free). This proved to be so successful that it also part-funded this second edition.
A visual conversation with yourself
In this edition I have written an article entitled: ‘A visual conversation with yourself’. The article tells the story of my experience during the creative journal workshops I’ve been attending at Metal (I’m now attending my 5th series of workshops!)
You can read about other journal work I’ve created below:
Creative Journal Course, Creative Journal Course – autumn and about the Creative Journal Exhibition we held at Village Green last year.