Crochet flower squares: part 1

Work in progress: Crochet flower squares
Work in progress: Crochet flower squares in various stages

Having recently re-discovered a love for crocheting I’m always looking around for inspiration for my next project. One such idea that caught my attention is the crocheted flower-square. After a few failed attempts at trying to make up my own pattern (converting a circle to a square didn’t quite work. My mum found this really good tutorial on nittybits blog.

Nine crochet flower squares in position
Nine crochet flower squares in position

I’ve used four different colours for the flowers and have so far made 16 that are all unique colour combinations.

This is still very much a work in progress and I can’t decide whether to stop at 16 squares, and make a cushion, or whether to carry on and make a throw. They are very quick and easy to make…decisions, decisions lol.

Edwardian tiled floor restoration

We live in an Edwardian home and when I pulled up the carpet in the hallway I was really excited to find the original black and white tiles there. I was relieved to find the majority of the floor was in good condition with only a few small patches that had been filled in with concrete.

edwardian floor restoration

The first job was to clean off all the carpet glue and paint splashed. We used patio brick cleaner and a lot of elbow grease.

edwardian floor restoration

The floor came up really well. The next step was to dig out the patches of concrete. This proved to be more challenging and required brute force and unfortunately this loosened considerably more tiles than we expected. The troubled patch doubled in size!

The first job was to clean off all the carpet glue and paint splashed. We used patio brick cleaner and a lot of elbow grease.

The loose tiles were easy to put back in place but I really didn’t want to use reproduction tiles to replace the missing tiles. After a bit of searching online I was fortunate to find someone on Ebay who had just replaced their outdoor Edwardian path and had literally thousands of the tiles for sale. These tiles were extremely dirty, with 100 years of London pollution ground in to them, but they did eventually clean up.

edwardian floor restoration

Once all the tiles had been stuck in place and grouted, I gave them a coat of sealer to finish them off. We’re really pleased with the finished product (and probably saved £100’s by undertaking this ourselves).

edwardian floor restoration

Knitted poncho & crochet trim


I remember wearing a poncho when I was a child, that my mum knitted for me, and I haven’t thought about them since. Until last year when I borrowed one to wear, as I was a bit chilly, and loved it and thought I’d knit one of my own. I started it in early 2012 and didn’t finish it until that Christmas (I was distracted by other projects) but finally, here is the finished piece.

I was planning to just knit it, but having completed it I thought the edges could do with a little finishing touch. Over the Christmas holiday my mum worked out a pattern to give it a curly edge. I played around with this and opted for three different stitch patterns, mostly to conserve wool as I was nearing the end of my ball of wool! It is so warm and fits perfectly.

Felted bag

Felted bag

Last Christmas I was given a felted bag knitting kit. It took me a while to get around to starting it and then it took a while longer to knit (but I was determined to finish it before the following Christmas!).

I hadn’t felted any knitting before, so the process was unfamiliar to me. The bag was knitted on circular needles and was quite large and flimsy when finished. I then knitted one long skinny handle (only 4sts wide). The next step was to felt the bag and handle. To do this I put them in the washing machine with a little washing powder and a large towel (which apparently helps with the felting process) and put them on a hot wash. When I took them out I was surprised how much smaller the bag had become and how much thicker the pieces were. The next step was to attach the handle and I also added a small button fasten to the top using a simple crochet chain.

I wanted to add a little finishing touch to the bag and thought of making some crochet flowers. I came across a crochet flower tutorial on Mollie Makes and set to work with some oddments of wool I had lying around; sewing a bead to make the centre of the flowers.